Sturm Memorial Library • 130 North Bridge Street, Manawa, WI 54949 • (920) 596-2252 | Contact Us

Time marches on and buildings age right along with the rest of us. The new Library is now 23 years old and while most of this beautiful building has stood the test of time, the porches, steps and railings around them are in need of a facelift. Both the front and back porches are being repaired and while the end result will look much improved, there will be some pain getting to that point. Last week the back porch was rebuilt and the railings will be installed on Tuesday April 18th. On that day demolition of the front steps and porch slab will begin. At that time the front entrance will not be useable and it is expected that it won't be accessible for up to three weeks. The back door will be the entry and exit during this time. We are well aware this will be an inconvenience for some of our regular users and we will do everything we can to help you get into the building or to get materials to you during the length of the front entrance closure.

If you give us a call ahead of time, or call us from your car in the parking lot we will run any materials you have waiting for you out to your vehicle. If you need help getting up and down the four steps at the entrance, we will help you. (No ramp will be available). We value our users and want to make this transition as smooth as possible for all of you. Now, we're hoping for good weather and looking ahead to May 5th when the project will, hopefully, be completed.